BDWBN: Congratulations on the new book. Nine years have passed since the original release. What brought about writing this updated version?
Joe: Thanks! I am very excited about it. The original came out way back in 2007 and of course in the nine years since there’s been a hell of a lot of new stuff both in Maiden and his own career, non-musically. There’s so much to talk about with Bruce Dickinson; he’s constantly on the move. It was definitely time to update the story.
Recently, the original publishers Independent Music Press got bought out by John Blake Books, so the new publishers and I started discussing the project in the spring of 2015 and it went from there.
BDWBN: You changed the title. Are there any heavy implications behind that?
Joe: No heavy implications, nope! I did want it to be a new book rather than an update of Flashing Metal though. I make it clear in the intro that it’s based on that one but is kinda one that exists in its own right.
"Flashing Metal With Iron Maiden And Flying Solo". What a mouthful! I was never a big fan of that title to be honest. When I looked back at my 2006 notes from the very first idea for the project, ‘Maiden Voyage’ was one of the title ideas I had. I’m glad I eventually got my way!
BDWBN: What was your philosophy while writing the new edition? Was the plan to “add the last 9 years” or was there an element of “let's dig even deeper into the history”?
Joe: It’s definitely both. The last nine years have been incredibly busy and eventful for the musician in his dual/treble/quadruple/multiple careers as well as that horrible illness so there was a lot of ground to cover. But I definitely benefitted from speaking to a lot of new interviewees about stuff that happened in the past, even 35 years ago there are still new voices coming out the woodwork that can add to the whole story. So I very quickly realised that it was likely to be more than just bolting on a few new chapters at the end. I really think the book’s better for it. There’s so much ace research at the moment on Maiden and their history that there’s always more to draw on. I am sure that if there’s another edition in a few years it’ll change again.
BDWBN: You stated in an interview we did at the time of the first issue that you didn't want to be too intrusive into Bruce's private life. Was it difficult to decide how much you would go into detail on the cancer-issue in this respect?
Joe: Yeah, it is a policy really of mine in that I try and respect boundaries as far as possible. I am interested in the music and the motivations and stories behind that, albeit that of course life happens to people whilst they are pursuing their creativity. Clearly Bruce's shocking illness was major news in terms of raising awareness of the condition and his own fight to defeat it, so it was always going to be part of the tale. I tried to report it in the same way that we all as fans first heard of it - and that was the information that the Maiden camp and the singer wanted to share with the world. It wouldn't have been right for me to do anything else than cover it as a news journalist would. Any sensationalist approach would be absolutely wrong and in fact an anathema to my personal and journalistic values.
It is definitely something that I and the editors wanted to get right so we tried to be as balanced as possible. There's one person who knows what it was like to go through that and that is Bruce Dickinson himself. And he chooses what he wants to talk about on that score, how he wants to talk about it, and when he wants to talk about it. Like I say that's a boundary I didn't want to cross and I hope we've treated it with the due sensitivity. We absolutely tried our best to be as respectful as we could.
BDWBN: Were there any parts you were unhappy with in the last issue of the book that prompted a rewrite for your own peace of mind in this edition?
You mentioned last time that you were not one for going back over things once they're done.
Joe: Actually there were a couple of bits that I did change; mostly stylistically rather than content. "Flashing Metal..." came out on an indie publisher and was a lot more scruffy, unruly and punky in places. It was right to write it the way I did at the time because it was the best I could do. And it was right to look at it dispassionately and give the prose a bit of a shake in places to avoid getting in the way of the story. I’ve got another decade of writing experience under my belt now and I smoothed out some bits and bobs. Nothing major.
BDWBN: You have interviewed Paul DiAnno and Blaze Bayley this time around. Has this meant you have had to rewrite parts of the book to fit their contributions in or have they just been “squeezed in” where appropriate?
Joe: Definitely rewritten where appropriate, which also goes for the interviews with Dougie Sampson, Tony Miles, the hilarious Chris Dale and others. Because of Di’Anno and Blaze’s generosity of time and interview, the book benefits hugely. Who else could speak of singing for Maiden than Maiden singers? I was blown away by their contributions.
BDWBN: Were you able to get in touch with Bruce for comments or a possible interview this time around?
Joe: Nope. Not least because Bruce is working on his own autobiography - and like everyone else I’m really looking forward to reading his own words in that one. It’s gotta be better than Iffy Boatrace hasn’t it?
BDWBN: It's perhaps a bit early to tell, but the last book was translated and published in several different countries. Are there any plans for this with this issue?
Joe: It has been awesome, the interest in Flashing Metal. I would love Maiden Voyage to do the same. I have made some really good friends in loads of countries because of the book and our shared love of Iron Maiden and that has been an unexpected but very welcome pleasure. When it comes down to it we’re all fans of a brilliant band and their legendary singer! I am sure the publishers would love it to come out in as many places as possible too. Watch this space!
Thanks to Joe for finding time to answer these questions for us.