How come you lot are playing with him? How did it come about?
I've always stayed friends with Bruce since the Skunkworks times, he's
singing on the new Sack Trick album too! He often comes down to our gigs and
one day he just told us about these festivals and asked if we fancied doing
them. We said Yes...
How do you feel about touring with Bruce this summer?
I'm really looking forward to it all. It's going to be good fun to go out
and ROCK!
Any favourites in the set?
We're only just picking what's going to be in the final setlist now so I
can't say for definate. We've been reheasing songs from all periods of
Bruce's history, something from all of Bruce's solo albums, old Maiden songs
that they haven't played for years, new songs that haven't been played live
before and of course all the old favourites. My personal favourite at the
moment is a cover version we've been trying out. I can't say exact song
titles yet because we've still not decided exactly which songs to play.
How have the rehearsals been going?
We've only just started full rehearsals though me, Alex, Pete and Robin have
been getting together already going through lots of material instrumentally.
Everything sounds so much heavier than it did during the Skunkworks period.
Robin is a more straight ahead metal drummer than Sponder and having Alex
and Pete together is amazing! Bruce has only just started getting together
with us but his voice sounds in great form.
Can we expect any Skunkworks material now with 3/4 of the Skunkworks band
in the line-up?
Something from everything for everyone...his last album was called "The Best
of..." and this setlist will be the best of everything he's ever done...
Do you think this band/constellation will continue to work with Bruce in
the future on recording projects or other tours? Would you be interested in
doing that?
These Summer festivals are just a one off. Next year Iron Maiden are
starting a new project again. I'm sure that will keep Bruce quite busy
enough for meanwhile. After these gigs the new Sack Trick album "Sheep in
Kiss Make-up"- a very twisted Kiss covers album, comes out in the Autumn.
Sack Trick will be touring to support that, then we start work on another
Sack Trick album. We might work with Bruce again, but there's no plans
beyond having a good Metal time at these festivals right now!!!
Thanks to Chris for finding time in between rehearsals to give us this interview.